Hi Guys, A customer changed his server, as we recommended, before he made a backup of his database. However, we aren't being able to restore it. Allways we try to restore, there is happening the error bellow: Application Internal Error - C:\TEC2000\SGV90\SGV.EXETerminated at: 2024-04-10 14:09:07Unre...
Good Morning Mr Rao, I made a test with oCN:InsertSQ() and it's also returning a wrong sentence. It's returning this: INSERT INTO `folha` ( `cemp`,`nfolha`,`cmat`,`cvandes`,`cvdorig`,`val_inf`, `val_calc` ,`total_inc`,`filial`,`clotacao`,`prazo`,`situacao` ) VALUES ( '047','9WZ','00261','500','500',...
I did this small test function mariaInsert() local oCn := maria_Connect( ",fwh,fwhuser,FiveTech@2022" ) ? "start" oCn:DropTable( "testinsert" ) oCn:CreateTable( "testinsert&q...
Dear Friends, I'm having a huge problem with Insert/MySql. I have a Decimal field where I'm tryng to save the value 1(one), but it's saved as 0(zero). Bellow i'm showing a little sample where the problem is happening. function Main()LOCAL oCn, oAnt,nValInss,nValIn13,aVal,cvd_500 FW_SetUnic...
... Record-Set ? ( Header as "Structure" ? ) Yes. This method works with any datasource, eg. dbf, tdatabase, ado recordset, tmysql, dolphin, fwhmysql or any othe datasource with identical appearance and behavior. can i "seek" in XBROWSE when use a Record-Set ? Yes. For that matter ...
I think you could show us a step-by-step to develop with mod harbour. Nowadays, we have to search in forums and read a lot of topics, information that aren't sequential. It's hard to understand. Maybe a topic like Mr Rao did to FWHMYSQL.