... from C:\PRG\NEWKSU\OBJ\CGETDIR.OBJ seems cGetdir.obj needs to call other lib to work CW32.lib is borland C++ library. fw_retWide() is from: \fwh2006\source\winapi\getfile.c void fw_retWide( LPWSTR pWide ){ LPSTR pText; pText = UTF16toSTR8( pWide, fw_wcslen( pWide ...
Yes. This was a bug in FWH2006, fixed in FWH2007. Whatsnew.txt - When a column header is clicked, the header is painted in the topbar area fixed. http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=39178&p=233785#p233785 Please ...
oBrw:bKeyNo := { |n| 0 } Is the code in FWH1912. We tried to replace this oBrw:bKeyNo in FWH2006 to support Vertical Scrollbars. This is the only change. This is the reason for delay and we will try our best to improve it. But if we assign oBrw:bKeyNo := { |n| ...
Yes, please help us to improve. After defining the browse, can you please set oBrw:bKeyNo := { |n| 0 } This should make the Browse work same way as in FWH1912. Can you please do this and let us know? Meanwhile, we will also create a 110,000 size table at our end and test. Can you also let...
usando SQLRDD Tabela 110.000 registros seek esta demorado um pouco (1912 normal) PageDown pressionando 10x seguidos trava o xbrowse por 20segundos PageUP não trava, mais esta mais lento que a versão 1912