Search found 119 matches: decision

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Google Groups is not updated with new usenet messages since February (Google decision).
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Sat Aug 24, 2024 1:02 pm
Forum: FiveWin para Harbour/xHarbour
Replies: 33
Views: 3909

Re: Migration of Desktop Application to Web: Progress Update

... We ourselves also repeatedly face the problem that when we offer our software to operating companies, no one wants to take the risk, and the decision-makers then opt for well-known products. Unfortunately, that's the way it is. I have been developing web applications for a very long time. ...
by Otto
Sat Jun 15, 2024 6:12 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Migration of Desktop Application to Web: Progress Update
Replies: 7
Views: 627

Mod Harbour: ChatGPT Provides Detailed Answers

... are valued. However, modern requirements and market trends might suggest the need to transition to more advanced database systems. Ultimately, the decision depends on the specific requirements and circumstances of the users and applications. A hybrid approach, where existing DBF-based applications ...
by Otto
Sat May 18, 2024 9:12 am
Forum: FiveWin para Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Mod Harbour: ChatGPT Provides Detailed Answers
Replies: 23
Views: 2734

Re: Xlsxlibhb_ver2

Mr. João Thanks. For now, I prefer to use bcc & xHarbour versions used by FWH for building FWH libraries. I wait till Mr. Antonio takes a decision to use the new versions. No hay problema, Maestro Nages. El Maestro Antonio definitivamente lo usará. A menos que prefiera quedarse congelado ...
by karinha
Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:52 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Xlsxlibhb_ver2
Replies: 57
Views: 12001

Re: Xlsxlibhb_ver2

Mr. João Thanks. For now, I prefer to use bcc & xHarbour versions used by FWH for building FWH libraries. I wait till Mr. Antonio takes a decision to use the new versions. I agree. In the meantime, I'm experimenting. Please note that I always used FWH with any versions of BCC without problems. ...
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:41 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Xlsxlibhb_ver2
Replies: 57
Views: 12001

Re: Xlsxlibhb_ver2

Mr. João

For now, I prefer to use bcc & xHarbour versions used by FWH for building FWH libraries.
I wait till Mr. Antonio takes a decision to use the new versions.
by nageswaragunupudi
Wed Nov 22, 2023 6:56 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Xlsxlibhb_ver2
Replies: 57
Views: 12001

Re: xBrowser click

... single left click may be inconsistent with normal behaviour and confusing to users. Instead better to use right-click or double-click. Anyway, the decision is yours. another question is about the SetDlgGradient command, when dividing a screen as follows: SetDlgGradient( { { 0.9, CLR_WHITE, CLR_WHITE ...
by nageswaragunupudi
Wed Oct 11, 2023 10:42 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: xBrowser click
Replies: 16
Views: 1717

Re: To Maurizio, to Dutch

... What's library do you use? I test Bryntum component for room planner now and your component is so nice also. Hello friends, Now I have made the decision which component I will use to make the room planner. Best regards, Otto
by dutch
Thu Dec 16, 2021 4:57 am
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: To Maurizio, to Dutch
Replies: 29
Views: 2955

Re: To Maurizio, to Dutch

Hello friends,

Now I have made the decision which component I will use to make the room planner.
Best regards,

by Otto
Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:32 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: To Maurizio, to Dutch
Replies: 29
Views: 2955

Re: RTF from Variable

... an invoice that uses the PRINTER class ( NOT THE REPORT OPTION ). There are a lot of formatting options in the structure, with calculations. and decision trees, throughout. This cannot be done with the report class. I previously shared how I print MEMO fields. My question was specific: Is there ...
by TimStone
Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:57 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: RTF from Variable
Replies: 40
Views: 5418

Agradecimiento Público a Cristóbal Navarro y FivEdit

... Sr. Cristóbal Navarro,  quien siempre esta presente en el foro y dispuesto a ayudar al resto de usuarios en todo momento, me bastó para tomar la decision y decidir probar con FivEdit. Y  decidí  muy acertadamente. Cristóbal me envió la invitacion al slack de FivEdit y alli conseguí la camaradería ...
by JoseAlvarez
Sun May 16, 2021 6:24 pm
Forum: FiveWin para Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Agradecimiento Público a Cristóbal Navarro y FivEdit
Replies: 16
Views: 2689

Re: Rowset failure

... stopped functioning/malfunctioning because we do not know the connection is broken. We consider this message is important. Anyway, the final decision is yours.
by nageswaragunupudi
Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:24 am
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Rowset failure
Replies: 2
Views: 540

Re: Peer to Peer, NAS and NTX -> CDX

Good Morning, you made a good decision. > Do the other pc's we have now also need to be Win 10 Pro's? They are win 7 and win 10 home now. You can access it with all operating systems (Android, macOS, and the various Windows versions also ...
by Otto
Sun Dec 27, 2020 8:52 am
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Peer to Peer, NAS and NTX -> CDX
Replies: 41
Views: 4349

Re: Peer to Peer, NAS and NTX -> CDX

Mark, This is the right decision, and you will love the system. I recommend a notebook. Since you also have to think of mod harbor, I would recommend i/, 32 GB RAM and a large SSD disk. I'll post the model here later. You can use the ...
by Otto
Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:48 am
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Peer to Peer, NAS and NTX -> CDX
Replies: 41
Views: 4349

Re: Printer class question

... progresses. It might be like the report capability in FWH except it is all customized using the printer class, and far more can be done with decision trees to control the actual content and output. I think this is pretty standard using the class. With that in mind, I'm afraid I don't really ...
by Silvio.Falconi
Wed Oct 21, 2020 7:00 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Printer class question - RESOLVED
Replies: 41
Views: 4813

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