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some more help required to create FWH + XHARBOUR DLLs

... IF nPercent = 100 oDlg:End() ENDIF SysWait(.35) RETURN .T. *************************** MAKESDLL.BAT Source ***************************** REM Self contained Harbour DLL, original idea and research Antonio Linares @ECHO OFF CLS IF A%1 == A GOTO :SINTAX IF NOT EXIST %1.prg GOTO :NOEXIST ECHO Compiling... ...
Wed Dec 28, 2005 6:56 am
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: How create DLL With XHARBOUR
Replies: 27
Views: 16991

... (or visit the web site * * As a special exception, the xHarbour Project gives permission for * additional uses of the text contained in its release of xHarbour. * * The exception is that, if you link the xHarbour libraries with other * files to produce an executable, this ...
by ask
Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:59 am
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: How to send email from within FWH25?
Replies: 29
Views: 15118

Combobox in Folder

... the focus on a combobox in a folder and I press the Enter key then the focus REMAINS ON THE COMBOBOX instead to go to the next control. The self-contained at show this problem. I checked the folder,tcontrol and combobox class looking for a solution but ...
by Marco Turco
Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:41 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Combobox in Folder
Replies: 7
Views: 2185

Sempre a proposito di folder

... sul campo successivo ma rimane sulla combobox. Il problema non si verifica invece se i campi sono in una dialog anziché in un folder. Ecco un self-contained che mostra il problema In pratica nell'esempio se premo invio il focus non si sposta. Qualche idea ...
by Marco Turco
Thu Dec 15, 2005 5:44 pm
Forum: All products support
Topic: Sempre a proposito di folder
Replies: 9
Views: 3450


I need self-contained DLL´s ..

Thanks Again

by mauricioajordao
Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:09 am
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: How create DLL With XHARBOUR
Replies: 27
Views: 16991

Mauricio, What kind of DLL do you want to create ? There are three types: 1. Self contained DLLs: Its an entire EXE built as a DLL. 2. pcode DLLs: Small pcode DLLs accessible from an EXE. 3. Virtual machine DLLs: The entire virtual machine is inside the DLL and the ...
by Antonio Linares
Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:30 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: How create DLL With XHARBOUR
Replies: 27
Views: 16991

Could you provide a small and self contained sample to reproduce the errors so we can tell you what they say and where they come from ? Thanks.
by Antonio Linares
Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:48 pm
Forum: FiveWin for CA-Clipper
Topic: Error message in ? lang
Replies: 4
Views: 1492


You may modify Class TFolder, so when it gets focus, it is not given to a contained control. We have not tested it ourselves, but it may work.
by Antonio Linares
Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:45 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Folder
Replies: 5
Views: 1588

... <C05 >< 10 Rolls><500mts> If The user taps on the 'Rolls' column another browse displays the individual rolls contained within that location e.g. User Taps '25' at LOCATION 'B02' he then sees (PRODUCT 1 STOCK HELD IN LOCATION B02..........) ROLL NO_____LENGTH___USE ...
by GWard
Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:58 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Pocket PC
Topic: MULTISELECT in LISTBOX - How long until implementation
Replies: 16
Views: 7671


Could you provide a small and self contained sample to reproduce it ?

We have modified samples\TestPrn2.prg to just generate one page and it works ok.
by Antonio Linares
Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:58 am
Forum: Bugs report & fixes / Informe de errores y arreglos
Topic: Preview ToolBar Error (no bug)
Replies: 3
Views: 2880

About "&" character in Resources Dialogs

GoodMorning Enrico

The dialogs is contained into a dll it dosen't works for me but i live
without it. I changed it to onother setence. Many thanks for your code and your valued help to all of us.

Greetings from Greece

by Sakis
Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:50 am
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: About "&" character in Resources Dialogs
Replies: 3
Views: 1374

Re: uso di zip-unzip

... If the second parameter is a * character string, this file will be added to the zip file. If the * second parameter is an array, all file names contained in <aFiles> * will be compressed. * * If <nLevel> is used, it determines the compression type where 0 means * no compression and ...
by Enrico Maria Giordano
Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:18 am
Forum: All products support
Topic: uso di zip-unzip
Replies: 1
Views: 1968

Rimantas, We may need a self contained and reduced sample to reproduce the error using FWH standard FWH classes. Without that, its quite difficult to help. You say the application hangs. Does it GPF ? Do you loose control of it ? No mouse ...
by Rimantas
Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:39 am
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: MDIchild problem
Replies: 3
Views: 2202

Rimantas, We may need a self contained and reduced sample to reproduce the error using FWH standard FWH classes. Without that, its quite difficult to help. You say the application hangs. Does it GPF ? Do you loose control of it ? No mouse ...
by Antonio Linares
Fri Oct 21, 2005 6:57 pm
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: MDIchild problem
Replies: 3
Views: 2202


Could you point to a FW samples directory sample that reproduces such behavior ? Or do you have a small and self contained sample to test here ? Thanks.

BTW, Frank, would you mind to register here so no one else can use your name ? thanks.
by Antonio Linares
Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:55 am
Forum: FiveWin for Harbour/xHarbour
Topic: Radio button's , focus not visible
Replies: 5
Views: 2879

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