Ayuda Mysql

Ayuda Mysql

Postby horacio » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:44 pm

Aprendiendo MySql decidí hacer un programita que leyera la BBDD de ayuda nativa de este motor ( la ayuda que dá MySql es en modo consola )
si a alguien le interesa aquí les dejo el código.

#include 'fivewin.ch'
#include 'splitter.ch'
Static lError
Static oWnd
Static oLink
Static oSay
Static cDescripcion

Function main()

Set Date To British
Set Century On
Define Window oWnd Mdi

oWnd : SetText( "Ayuda nativa MySql" )
oWnd : SetMenu( MainMenu() )

Activate Window oWnd Maximized On Init HallaTabla()
Return 0

Function MainMenu()

Local oMenu

Menu oMenu
MenuItem "Opciones"
Menuitem "&Salir" Action oWnd : End()
Return oMenu
Function HallaTabla()

Local aTitle := {}
Local aRegistro := {}
Local aDatos := {}
Local cCadena := Alltrim( GetPvProfString( "Cadena Conexion","Cadena","", CurDrive() + ":\" + CurDir() + "\help_mysql.ini" ) )
Local oCn
Local e
Local oRe
Local nPos
Local oTablas
Local n
Local aInfo

lError := .f.
oCn :=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oCn : Open( "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=mysql;User=root;Password=root;Option=3;" )
oRe := CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
oRe : CursorType := 3 // opendkeyset
oRe : CursorLocation := 3 // local cache
oRe : LockType := 3
oRe : ActiveConnection( oCn )
oRe : Source( "Select help_topic_id, name, description, example from help_topic Order by name" )
oRe : Open()
While( !oRe : Eof )
aRegistro := {}
For nPos := 0 to oRe : Fields : Count - 1
AAdd( aRegistro, Value( oRe, nPos ) )
Next nPos
Aadd( aDatos, aRegistro )
oRe : MoveNext()
oRe : Close()
Catch e
MsgStop( "ERROR!!!! " + e:Description + '--' + e : Operation + '--' + Alltrim( Str( e:genCode ) ), "Atención !!!" )
lError := .t.
If( !lError )
MuestraSql( aDatos, aTitle, oRe )
Return 0

Function MuestraSql( aDatos, aTitles, oRe )

Local oWinH
Local cTitle := ''
Local nSegundos := SECONDS()
Local oSplitter
Local i
Local oTree
Local oFont
Local oFont1
Local oBrw
Local oImgList
Local oReBar
Local oToolBar

cTitle += "Total Registros: " + Alltrim(Str(Len(aDatos) ) )

nSegundos := SECONDS() - nSegundos

Define Font oFont Name 'Arial' Size 0, -10
Define Font oFont1 Name 'Arial' Size 0, -12

Define Window oWinH MDICHILD Of oWnd From 0,0 to 0, 0 Title cTitle Pixel NoSysMenu

oWinH : Hide()
oImgList := TImageList() : New( 32, 32 )
oImgList : AddMasked( TBitmap() : Define( "#8052" ,, oWinh ), nRGB( 255,255,255 ) )
oImgList : AddMasked( TBitmap() : Define( "#8054" ,, oWinh ), nRGB( 255,255,255 ))

oReBar := TReBar() : New( oWinh )

oToolBar := TToolbar() : New( oReBar, 50, 50, oImgList )
oToolBar : AddButton( { || oWinh:End() } , "Salir", " Salir ")
oToolBar : AddSeparator()
oToolBar : AddButton( { || .t. } , "Excel", "Excel")

AEval( oToolBar : aButtons, { | aBtn, nBtn| CAMBIA_EL_SIZE_DEL_BOTON( oToolBar : hWnd,;
nBtn, nOr( 0x0010 ) ) } )

oReBar : InsertBand( oToolBar )
oWinH : Hide()
Define Statusbar Prompt Alltrim( Str( nSegundos ) ) + " Segundos..." OF oWinh PROMPTS cTitle

@ 47, 285 Get oSay Var cDescripcion Memo Size 535, oWnd : nHeight - 124 Of oWinh Pixel Font oFont1

@ 47, 01 TREEVIEW oTree SIZE 279, oWnd : nHeight Of oWinh PIXEL
oTree : bChanged := { || BuscaExplicacion( oTree, aDatos ) }
_ArmarTree( oTree, aDatos )

@ 47, 280 Splitter oSplitter Vertical Previous Controls oTree Hinds Controls oSay Size 5, oWnd : nHeight - 124 Of oWinh Pixel _3D

Activate Window oWinh On Init( oTree : Expand(), oWinH : Show() ) Valid ( oFont : End(), oFont1 : End(), aDatos := Nil, oBrw := Nil, .t.) ;
On Resize oSplitter : Adjust( .t., .t., .t., .t. )
oWinh : Maximize()
Return 0

Function _ArmarTree( oTree, aDatos )

Local oDatabase
Local nStep, i, aCursos
Memvar oVarGlobales

oDatabase := oTree : Add( "TÓPICOS" )
For i := 1 To Len( aDatos )
oLink := oDatabase : Add( Alltrim( aDatos[ i ][ 2 ] ), 3, 2 )
oLink : Cargo := aDatos[ i ][ 1 ]
Next i
oTree : SetFocus()
Return oTree

Function BuscaExplicacion( oTree, aDatos )

Local I
Local nId
Local cDescrip
Local cCodigo_id

oLink := oTree : GetSelected()
cCodigo_id := oLink : Cargo

nId := Ascan( aDatos, { | x, y | x[ 1 ] == cCodigo_id } )
cDescripcion := ''
If( nId != 0 )
cDescrip := aDatos[ nId ][ 3 ]
For i := 1 To Len( cDescrip )
If( Asc( SubStr( cDescrip, i, 1 ) ) == 10 )
cDescripcion += CRLF
cDescripcion += SubStr( cDescrip, i, 1 )
Next i
If( Len( aDatos[ nId ][ 4 ] ) > 0 )
cDescrip := aDatos[ nId ][ 4 ]
cDescripcion += CRLF + 'Examples' + CRLF + CRLF
For i := 1 To Len( cDescrip )
If( Asc( SubStr( cDescrip, i, 1 ) ) == 10 )
cDescripcion += CRLF
cDescripcion += SubStr( cDescrip, i, 1 )
Next i
cDescripcion := ''
oSay : Refresh()
Return 0

Function Value(oRs,nPos)

Local xVar := oRs:Fields(nPos):Value

// ------------------------------------------ //
// vemos de que tipos es y lo pasamos a string
// ------------------------------------------ //
CASE Valtype(xVar)=="C"
If( Len( xVar ) == 1 .and. xVar == 'T' )
xVar := .t.
ElseIf( Len( xVar ) == 1 .and. xVar == 'F' )
xVar := .f.
xVar := OemToAnsi( xVar )
CASE Valtype(xVar)=="N" ; xVar := Str(xVar)
CASE Valtype(xVar)=="D" ; xVar := DTOC(xVar)
CASE Valtype(xVar)=="L" ; xVar := iif(xVar,"TRUE", "FALSE")
OTHERWISE ; xVar := ""
Return xVar

#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include "hbapi.h"

tbutton.cbSize = sizeof( tbutton );
tbutton.dwMask = TBIF_STYLE;
SendMessage( ( HWND ) hb_parnl( 1 ), TB_GETBUTTONINFO, ( WPARAM ) hb_parni( 2 ), (LPARAM) &tbutton );
tbutton.fsStyle = hb_parni( 3 );
SendMessage( ( HWND ) hb_parnl( 1 ), TB_SETBUTTONINFO, ( WPARAM ) hb_parni( 2 ), (LPARAM) &tbutton );

#pragma ENDDUMP
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Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:39 am
Location: Capital Federal Argentina

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