reemplazar un valor en una cadena caracteres

reemplazar un valor en una cadena caracteres

Postby Loren » Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:40 pm

Compañeros, buenas tardes:

¿Sabeis la función que reemplaza un valor dentro de una cadena de caracteres?
Tengo una DBF con el campo NOMBRE,C,40
pero necesito hacer un barrido y cambiar todas las "A" del campo NOMBRE por "C"
algo así como

Mil gracias.
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Re: reemplazar un valor en una cadena caracteres

Postby D.Fernandez » Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:04 pm

Lorenzo, si usas harbour tienes que enlazar hbct.lib
La funcion es Charrepl()
te dejo debajo como funciona
* $Id: charrepl.txt 15102 2010-07-14 12:48:39Z vszakats $

/* $DOC$
* CT3 string functions
* Replacement of characters
* CHARREPL (<cSearchString>, <[@]cString>,
* <cReplaceString>, [<lMode>]) -> cString
* <cSearchString> is a string of characters that should be replaced
* <[@]cString> is the processed string
* <cReplaceString> is a string of characters that replace the one
* of <cSearchString>
* [<lMode>] sets the replacement method (see description)
* Default: .F.
* <cString> the processed string
* The CHARREPL() function replaces certain characters in <cString>
* with others depending on the setting of <lMode>.
* If <lMode> is set to .F., the function takes the characters of
* <cSearchString> one after the other, searches for them in <cString>
* and, if successful, replaces them with the corresponding character
* of <cReplaceString>. Be aware that if the same characters occur
* in both <cSearchString> and <cReplaceString>, the character on a
* certain position in <cString> can be replaced multiple times.
* if <lMode> is set to .T., the function takes the characters in <cString>
* one after the other, searches for them in <cSearchString> and, if
* successful, replaces them with the corresponding character of
* <cReplaceString>. Note that no multiple replacements are possible
* in this mode.
* If <cReplaceString> is shorter than <cSearchString>, the last
* character of <cReplaceString> is used as corresponding character
* for the the "rest" of <cSearchString>.
* One can omit the return value by setting the CSETREF() switch to .T.,
* but then one must pass <cString> by reference to get the result.
* ? charrepl ("1234", "1x2y3z", "abcd") // "axbycz"
* ? charrepl ("abcdefghij", "jhfdb", "1234567890") // "08642"
* ? charrepl ("abcdefghij", "jhfdb", "12345") // "55542"
* ? charrepl ("1234", "1234", "234A") // "AAAA"
* ? charrepl ("1234", "1234", "234A", .T.) // "234A"
* charrepl ("1234", "1x2y3z", "abcd") == "axbycz"
* charrepl ("abcdefghij", "jhfdb", "1234567890") == "08642"
* charrepl ("abcdefghij", "jhfdb", "12345") == "55542"
* charrepl ("1234", "1234", "234A") == "AAAA"
* charrepl ("1234", "1234", "234A", .T.) == "234A"
* Ready
* CHARREPL() is compatible with CT3's CHARREPL().
* All
* Source is charrepl.c, library is ct3.
* $END$

Ruben Dario Fernandez
Dario Fernandez
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Re: reemplazar un valor en una cadena caracteres

Postby Loren » Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:22 pm

Gracias Ruben, pero utilizo xHarbour
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Re: reemplazar un valor en una cadena caracteres

Postby hmpaquito » Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:34 pm

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Re: reemplazar un valor en una cadena caracteres

Postby D.Fernandez » Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:01 pm

Lorenzo, tambien esta en xHarbour.

Ruben Dario Fernandez
Dario Fernandez
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Re: reemplazar un valor en una cadena caracteres

Postby Willi Quintana » Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:22 pm

Holas.... revisen esto:

cXx := STRTRAN(cXx, "A", "C") // REEMPLAZA LA "A" POR LA "C"


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Re: reemplazar un valor en una cadena caracteres

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:24 pm

Como dice Willi, StrTran()
regards, saludos

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