See32 SMTP examples ( Codemaker )

See32 SMTP examples ( Codemaker )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:10 pm

Mr. Codemaker

I read in Tim's e-mail thread that you are using the See32 library. I have looked at the Library and called the company .. They recommended the See32.dll be located on the \windows client of each machine .. they did day you may be able to open the library file and give it a path to the executable folder ??

You mentioned you would not mind sharing your code .. I am looking to evaluate the effectiveness of the library and would be honored if you would share your code examples.

If you prefer, you can send it to my private e-mail located in my profile..

Rick Lipkin
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Re: See32 SMTP examples ( Codemaker )

Postby codemaker » Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:59 pm


I will help you with this when I come home to Belgrade.
At the moment I am on the road for two days traveling through Greece. I am writting this in hotel room and unfortunatelly have no time to make an example.
At the beginning of next week, I will create some example and will post it here, it might be usefull for others also.

I hope you're not in rush so you can wait a few days?


BTW: I keep my SEE32.DLL in the folder where the application is running
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Re: See32 SMTP examples ( Codemaker )

Postby codemaker » Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:22 pm

Excuse me for the delay, I am in big rush these days. I didn't forget you, old friend, just to much work :)
I hope it will serve you to use the SEE32

Here is the example from one of my apps.
In TESTMAIL.PRG there is a function which receives the parameters to send email. The variable names explains what is expected here
Code: Select all  Expand view

#INCLUDE "FIVEWIN.CH"      // FiveWin provided file
#INCLUDE "DLL.CH"          // FiveWin provided file
#INCLUDE "KEYCODE.CH"      // MarshallSoft provided file (Registr. Key)
#INCLUDE "SEE32.CH"        // MarshallSoft provided file (Constants)


STATIC lHadError := .F.

#define NL              Chr(13) + Chr(10)

FUNCTION Slanje_Emaila(SmtpServer, SmtpFrom, SmtpTo, CClist, BCClist,Attachment, cMessage, Subject, cBuffer1, cCode1)
MEMVAR Pop3Server
MEMVAR Pop3Username
MEMVAR Pop3Password
MEMVAR Pop3Email

LOCAL lOk := .T.
LOCAL cSmtpUser
LOCAL cSmtpPass
LOCAL cSmtpPort

DiagFile := "mailer.log"

cSmtpUser := ALLTRIM(Pop3UserName)
cSmtpPass := ALLTRIM(Pop3Password)
SmtpPort := ALLTRIM(Pop3Port)

SmtpReply := CHR(0) 

Code := XAttach(1, SEE_KEY_CODE)
Buffer := Space(128)

if Code < 0
    // "Cannot attach SEE"
    ? Left(Buffer,Code)    
Code := XStringParam(0, SEE_LOG_FILE, @DiagFile)

Code := XIntegerParam(0, SEE_CONNECT_WAIT, 20000)

        nCode := XIntegerParam(0, SEE_ENABLE_ESMTP,        1 )
      nCode := XStringParam( 0, SEE_SET_USER,    @cSmtpUser)
      nCode := XStringParam( 0, SEE_SET_SECRET,  @cSmtpPass)
        if ( !Empty(SmtpPort) )
            nCode := XIntegerParam( 0, SEE_SMTP_PORT, Val(allTrim(SmtpPort)) )
            nCode := XIntegerParam( 0, SEE_SMTP_PORT, 25 )
Code := XSmtpConnect(0, @SmtpServer, @SmtpFrom, @SmtpReply)

if Code < 0
    Buffer := Space(128)
   Code   := XErrorText(0, Code, @Buffer, 128)
    ? Left(Buffer,Code)
    lOk := .F.

   Code := XSendEmail(0, @SmtpTo, @CClist, @BCClist, @Subject, @cMessage, @Attachment)
   if Code < 0
    Buffer := Space(128)
      Code   := XErrorText(0, Code, @Buffer, 128)
    cBuffer1 := Buffer
    cCode1 := Code
    ? Left(Buffer,Code)    
    lOk := .F.
    // "Email NOT sent"
      // "Email sent"
Code := XClose(0)
Code := XRelease()                // Release the SEE32.DLL

Here is another PRG where I keep all function calls to SEE32 to call them easier
SEE32FUN.PRG (designed to call the SEE32 functions easily)
Code: Select all  Expand view

* Contains all calls to SEE32.DLL
*       This file, calls seeAttach() and loads the library SEE32.DLL
*       The library remains open throughout the execution of program.
*       seeRelease() is called and closes the library and frees it.
*                      W A R N I N G
*       ( Do NOT confuse seeRelease() with seeClose() )

#include "FIVEWIN.CH"
#INCLUDE "KEYCODE.CH"  // includes #define SEE_KEY_CODE (Registration Number)
#INCLUDE "SEE32.CH"    // includes all #defines for SEE32.DLL - Also works for 32 bits
                       // (SEE32.CH has some differences and we can't use it as it is)

// _INT must be converted into LONG (or DWORD if needed), when calling DLL32 !!!!!!!!!

Function XAttach( nBrChans, nKeyCode )
  local uResult
  local cFarProc

  hDLL := If( ValType( "SEE32.DLL" ) == "N", "SEE32.DLL", ;
                                             LoadLibrary( "SEE32.DLL" ) )  

  if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
     cFarProc = GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeAttach", ),.T., _INT, LONG, LONG )
     uResult = CallDLL( cFarProc, nBrChans, nKeyCode )
     MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
Return uResult

Function XRelease( )
*------------------- (No parameters needed or used here)
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc = GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeRelease", ),.T., _INT )
      uResult = CallDLL( cFarProc )
      If( ValType( "SEE32.DLL" ) == "N",, FreeLibrary( hDLL ) )
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XClose( nChan )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc = GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeClose", ),.T., _INT, LONG )        
      uResult = CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan )
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XStringParam( nChan, nIndex, cValue )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeStringParam", ),.T., _INT, LONG, LONG, LPSTR )  
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, nIndex, @cValue )        
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XIntegerParam( nChan, nIndex, nValue )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc
   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeIntegerParam", ),.T., _INT, LONG, LONG, LONG )  
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, nIndex, nValue )
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XSmtpConnect( nChan, cServer, cFrom, cReply )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeSmtpConnect", ),.T., _INT,LONG,LPSTR,LPSTR,LPSTR )
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, @cServer, @cFrom, @cReply )    
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XPop3Connect( nChan, cServer, cUser, cPassword )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seePop3Connect", ),.T., _INT,LONG,LPSTR,LPSTR,LPSTR )  
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, @cServer, @cUser, @cPassword )    
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XErrorText( nChan, nCode, cBuffer, nBufLen )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeErrorText", ),.T., _INT,LONG,LONG,LPSTR,LONG )  
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, nCode, @cBuffer, nBufLen )    
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XSendEmail(nChan, cRcpt, cCC, cBCC, cSubj, cMsg, cAttach )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc = GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeSendEmail", ),.T., _INT,LONG,LPSTR,LPSTR,LPSTR,LPSTR,LPSTR,LPSTR )  
      uResult = CallDLL( cFarProc,nChan,@cRcpt,@cCC,@cBCC,@cSubj,@cMsg,@cAttach )    
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XStatistics( nChan, nIndex )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc = GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeStatistics", ),.T., LONG,LONG,LONG )  
      uResult = CallDLL( cFarProc,nChan,nIndex )
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XDebug( nChan, nIndex, cBuffer, nBufLen )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc = GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeDebug", ),.T., _INT,LONG,LONG,LPSTR,LONG)
      uResult = CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, nIndex, @cBuffer, nBufLen )    
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XDriver( nChan )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeDriver", ),.T., _INT, LONG )  
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan )
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XAbort( nChan )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeAbort", ),.T., _INT,LONG )
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan )
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XCommand( nChan, cCommand )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeCommand", ),.T., _INT, LONG, LPSTR)
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, @cCommand )    
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XDecodeBuffer( cCodedBuf, cClearBuf, nBufLen )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeDecodeBuffer", ),.T., _INT,LPSTR,LPSTR,LONG)  
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, @cCodedBuf, @cClearBuf, nBufLen )    
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XEncodeBuffer( cCodedBuf, cClearBuf, nBufLen )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeEncodeBuffer", ),.T., _INT,LPSTR,LPSTR,LONG)  
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, @cCodedBuf, @cClearBuf, nBufLen )      
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XDeleteEMail( nChan, nMsgNbr )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeDeleteEmail", ),.T., _INT,LONG,LONG)  
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, nMsgNbr )
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XExtractLine( cSource, nLineNbr, cBuffer, nBufLen )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeExtractLine", ),.T., _INT,LPSTR,LONG,LPSTR,LONG)
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, @cSource, nLineNbr, @cBuffer, nBufLen )    
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XExtractText( cBuffer, cSearch, cText, nBufLen )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeExtractText", ),.T., _INT,LPSTR,LPSTR,LPSTR,LONG)
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, @cBuffer, @cSearch, @cText, nBufLen )    
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XGetEMailCount( nChan )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeGetEmailCount", ),.T., _INT,LONG)  
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan )
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XGetEMailFile( nChan, nMsgNbr, cFileName, cEmailDir, cAttachDir )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeGetEmailFile", ),.T., _INT,LONG,LONG,LPSTR,LPSTR,LPSTR)
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, nMsgNbr, @cFileName, @cEmailDir, @cAttachDir)
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XGetEMailLines( nChan, nMsgNbr, nLines, cBuffer, nBufLen )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeGetEmailLines", ),.T., _INT,LONG,LONG,LONG,LPSTR,LONG)
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, nMsgNbr, nLines, @cBuffer, nBufLen )    
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XGetEMailSize( nChan, nMsgNbr )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeGetEmailSize", ),.T., _INT,LONG,LONG)
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, nMsgNbr )
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XGetEMailUID( nChan, nMsgNbr, cBuffer, nBufLen )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeGetEmailUID", ),.T., _INT,LONG,LONG,LPSTR,LONG)
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, nMsgNbr, @cBuffer, nBufLen )    
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XVerifyFormat( cEmailAddr )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeVerifyFormat", ),.T., _INT,LPSTR) // 32 Bits
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, @cEmailAddr )      // 06/may/2004 V.
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function XVerifyUser( nChan, cEmailAddr )
   local uResult
   local cFarProc

   if Abs( hDLL ) > 32
      cFarProc := GetProcAddress( hDLL, If( .T., "seeVerifyUser", ),.T., _INT,LONG,LPSTR) // 32 Bits
      uResult  := CallDLL( cFarProc, nChan, @cEmailAddr )     // 06/may/2004 V.
      MsgAlert( "Error code: " + LTrim( Str( hDLL ) ) + " loading SEE32.DLL" )
return uResult

Function SEE32_ERROR(x)
Local aErrs := {}   // array to hold the errors
Local n := 0        // numeric pointer for ascan()

aErrs := { ;
{    -1, "Socket has been closed"} ,;
{    -4, "WINSOCK is currently blocking"} ,;
{    -5, "Bad status flag passed to seeStatus"} ,;
{    -7, "Invalid socket"} ,;
{    -8, "Socket timed out"} ,;
{    -9, "No available sockaddr structures"} ,;
{   -12, "No host name"} ,;
{   -14, "Internal checksum fails!"} ,;
{   -18, "Cannot create socket"} ,;
{   -31, "Response buffer has overflowed"} ,;
{   -32, "Bad character in email address"} ,;
{   -34, "Cannot access WINSOCK"} ,;
{   -35, "Cannot open file"} ,;
{   -36, "Error attempting to connect"} ,;
{   -37, "EMPTY email address"} ,;
{   -38, "FromPtr is NULL"} ,;
{   -39, "Missing '@' character in email address"} ,;
{   -40, "Missing FROM email address"} ,;
{   -41, "Missing '<' delimiter in email address"} ,;
{   -43, "Missing '>' terminating email address"} ,;
{   -44, "Not connected to server: " + CRLF + SmtpServer} ,;
{   -45, "Must have at least one receipient"} ,;
{   -46, "Cannot find SMTP/POP3 server: " + CRLF + SmtpServer} ,;
{   -47, "Unexpected NULL pointer"} ,;
{   -48, "ToPtr is NULL"} ,;
{   -49, "SMTP returned error"} ,;
{   -50, "SMTP/POP3 server not specified"} ,;
{   -51, "Socket read error"} ,;
{   -52, "Socket write error"} ,;
{   -53, "Too many '@' symbols in email address"} ,;
{   -54, "Found unexpected '>' character in email address"} ,;
{   -55, "Cannot allocate memory"} ,;
{   -56, "Illegal chars in server name"} ,;
{   -58, "SMTP function ONLY"} ,;
{   -59, "POP3 function ONLY"} ,;
{   -61, "USER name not specified"} ,;
{   -62, "PASSWORD not specified"} ,;
{   -63, "POP3 returned error"} ,;
{   -64, "No such message number"} ,;
{   -65, "Missing filename"} ,;
{   -66, "Missing email path"} ,;
{   -67, "Cannot create file"} ,;
{   -68, "Buffer is NULL"} ,;
{   -69, "Buffer size < 128"} ,;
{   -70, "Missing path for attachments"} ,;
{   -71, "seeAttach not called"} ,;
{   -72, "seeAttach already called"} ,;
{   -73, "Channel number of out range"} ,;
{   -74, "Bad key code (2nd argument to seeAttach)"} ,;
{-10004, "Interrupted system call"} ,;
{-10009, "Bad file number"} ,;
{-10013, "Access denied"} ,;
{-10014, "Bad address"} ,;
{-10022, "Invalid argument"} ,;
{-10024, "Too many open files"} ,;
{-10035, "Would block socket in non-blocking mode"} ,;
{-10036, "Blocking call already in progress"} ,;
{-10037, "Operation already completed"} ,;
{-10038, "Not a valid socket"} ,;
{-10039, "Destination address required"} ,;
{-10040, "Message too big for buffer"} ,;
{-10041, "Prot mismatch"} ,;
{-10042, "Prot option invalid"} ,;
{-10043, "Prot not supported"} ,;
{-10044, "Socket type not supported"} ,;
{-10045, "Socket operation not supported"} ,;
{-10047, "Socket address family not supported"} ,;
{-10048, "Socket address already in use"} ,;
{-10049, "Socket address not available"} ,;
{-10050, "Network error"} ,;
{-10051, "Cannot reach network"} ,;
{-10052, "Connection dropped"} ,;
{-10053, "Connection timed-out or aborted"} ,;
{-10054, "Connection reset by remote host"} ,;
{-10055, "Out of buffer space"} ,;
{-10056, "Socket already connected"} ,;
{-10057, "Socket not connected"} ,;
{-10058, "Socket functionality shut down"} ,;
{-10060, "Timed-out attempting to connect"} ,;
{-10061, "Connection refused by remote host"} ,;
{-10064, "Host is down"} ,;
{-10065, "No route to host"} ,;
{-10091, "Network not yet ready"} ,;
{-10092, "WINSOCK doesn't support requested version"} ,;
{-10093, "Sockets not initialized. Call WSAStartup"} ,;
{-11001, "Host does not exist"} ,;
{-11002, "Host not found. Try again"} ,;
{-11003, "Non-recoverable error has occurred"} ,;
{-11004, "No data is available"}  ,;
{-18550, "Missing Username and/or Password for authenticating."}    }    // Added 10/feb/2006 V.

   n :=  ASCAN(aErrs, {|aVal| aVal[1] == x })

   if n == 0
      Return (CRLF + "SEE32 Error " + cvaltochar(x) + CRLF + "  (Unknown Error)")
   if x <= (-74)
      Return (CRLF + "SEE32 Error " + cvaltochar(x)   + CRLF + aErrs[n, 2]+".")             // SEE32 error
      Return (CRLF + "WINSOCK Error " + cvaltochar(x) + CRLF + aErrs[n, 2]+".")             // WINSOCK error


I hope you can figure out how this works. This is actually the code I use in my programs
If you need some additional help, let me know.

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Re: See32 SMTP examples ( Codemaker )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:04 pm

Boris ..

Thank you !! .. Rick
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: See32 SMTP examples ( Codemaker )

Postby codemaker » Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:20 pm

You're welcome Rick, let me know if it works for you
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