Problem compiling testtool.prg

Problem compiling testtool.prg

Postby Massimo Linossi » Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:31 pm

I have a problem trying to compile the testtool.prg
I'm receiving some errors from the compiler inside the c source.
Someone knows how can I make ?
Thanks a lot.

// Testing Windows ToolHelp.dll

#include ""


function Main()

local aTimerInfo := TimerCount()

// Determining how long an application has been running

MsgInfo( "Milliseconds since this task started: " + Str( aTimerInfo[ 1 ] ) )
MsgInfo( "Milliseconds since the VM started:" + Str( aTimerInfo[ 2 ] ) )

// Controlling possible GPFs !!!

InterruptRegister( { || ControlGPF() } ) // Setting our own GPF controller
// Comment the above function and see the difference !

__GenGPF() // Now we generate a GPF !!!

return nil


function ControlGPF()

MsgAlert( "A GPF has occurred" + CRLF + "I am URGENTLY closing everything!" )

// CLOSE ALL --> Here we close all our files !!!

MsgInfo( "We recommend reboot the computer, or at least exit Windows" )

InterruptUnRegister() // We release our GPF controller

Eval( ErrorBlock(), _FWGenError( 5, "Undetermined GPF" ) )
// you can use the FiveWin
// Error SubSystem !!!

return nil


// Suport for Windows ToolHelp.dll

#include <c:\fwh\include\WinTen.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <c:\fwh\include\ClipApi.h>

#ifndef __FLAT__
#include <c:\fwh\include\ToolHelp.h>
#define PCLIPVAR void *

extern HINSTANCE GetInstance( void );

static void far PASCAL _export IntCallBack( void );

static far FARPROC lpfnCallBack = 0;

#ifndef __FLAT__
static far PCLIPVAR bInterruptAction = 0;


#ifndef __FLAT__
if( lpfnCallBack )
FreeProcInstance( lpfnCallBack );
lpfnCallBack = 0;

if( bInterruptAction )
_DropGrip( bInterruptAction );
bInterruptAction = 0;

lpfnCallBack = MakeProcInstance( ( FARPROC ) IntCallBack, GetInstance() );

bInterruptAction = _GetGrip( _param( 1, -1 ) );

_retl( InterruptRegister( 0, lpfnCallBack ) );


#ifndef __FLAT__
BOOL bResult = InterruptUnRegister( GetInstance() );

if( bResult )
if( lpfnCallBack )
FreeProcInstance( lpfnCallBack );
lpfnCallBack = 0;

if( bInterruptAction )
_DropGrip( bInterruptAction );
bInterruptAction = 0;
_retl( bResult );


CLIPPER TIMERCOUNT( PARAMS ) // --> { nMsSinceStart, nMsThisVM }
#ifndef __FLAT__

ti.dwSize = sizeof( TIMERINFO );

if( TimerCount( &ti ) )
_reta( 2 );
_stornl( ti.dwmsSinceStart, -1, 1 );
_stornl( ti.dwmsThisVM, -1, 2 );


static void far PASCAL _export IntCallBack( void )
#ifndef __FLAT__
if( bInterruptAction )
_cEval0( bInterruptAction );


CLIPPER TERMINATEA( PARAMS ) // PP( hTask, nMode ) --> nil
#ifndef __FLAT__
TerminateApp( _parni( 1 ), IF( PCOUNT() > 1, _parni( 2 ), NO_UAE_BOX ) );
TerminateProcess( ( HANDLE ) _parnl( 1 ),
IF( PCOUNT() > 1, _parni( 2 ), 0 ) );


These are the errors

Type: C >>>xcc.exe -Fo"c\toolhelp.obj" -Ot -I"C:\xHB\include" -I"C:\xHB\c_include" -I"C:\xHB\c_include\win" -I"C:\xHB\c_include\msvc" "toolhelp.c"<<<

c:\fwh\include\ClipApi.h(71): error: Expecting an enumerator identifier.
c:\fwh\include\ClipApi.h(71): error: Syntax error; found '0' expecting '}'.
c:\fwh\include\ClipApi.h(463): error: Redeclaration of 'strlen' previously declared at C:\xHB\c_include\string.h(30): found 'unsigned short __cdecl function(char *)' expected 'unsigned int __cdecl function(const char *)'.
c:\fwh\include\ClipApi.h(464): error: Redeclaration of 'strcpy' previously declared at C:\xHB\c_include\string.h(27): found 'void __cdecl function(unsigned char *, unsigned char *)' expected 'char * __cdecl function(restrict char *, restrict const char *)'.
c:\fwh\include\ClipApi.h(465): error: Redeclaration of 'strcmp' previously declared at C:\xHB\c_include\string.h(25): found 'int __cdecl function(char *, char *)' expected 'int __cdecl function(const char *, const char *)'.
c:\fwh\include\ClipApi.h(466): error: Redeclaration of 'strcat' previously declared at C:\xHB\c_include\string.h(23): found 'unsigned char * __cdecl function(unsigned char *, unsigned char *)' expected 'char * __cdecl function(restrict char *, restrict const char *)'.
c:\fwh\include\ClipApi.h(511): warning: Missing type specifier.
toolhelp.c(14): warning: Illegal use of '__stdcall'.
toolhelp.c(14): error: Undefined size for '_export' with type 'void'.
toolhelp.c(14): error: Syntax error; found 'IntCallBack' expecting ';'.
toolhelp.c(14): warning: Missing type specifier.
toolhelp.c(41): warning: Overflow in converting constant expression from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short'.
toolhelp.c(43): warning: Missing prototype for 'InterruptRegister'.
toolhelp.c(52): warning: Missing prototype for 'InterruptUnRegister'.
toolhelp.c(77): error: Undeclared identifier 'TIMERINFO'.
toolhelp.c(77): error: Syntax error; found 'ti' expecting ';'.
toolhelp.c(77): error: Undeclared identifier 'ti'.
toolhelp.c(79): error: Left operand of . has incompatible type 'int'.
toolhelp.c(81): warning: Missing prototype for 'TimerCount'.
toolhelp.c(84): error: Left operand of . has incompatible type 'int'.
toolhelp.c(84): warning: Overflow in converting constant expression from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short'.
toolhelp.c(85): error: Left operand of . has incompatible type 'int'.
toolhelp.c(85): warning: Overflow in converting constant expression from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short'.
toolhelp.c(94): warning: Illegal use of '__stdcall'.
toolhelp.c(94): error: Undefined size for '_export' with type 'void'.
toolhelp.c(94): error: Syntax error; found 'IntCallBack' expecting ';'.
toolhelp.c(94): warning: Missing type specifier.
toolhelp.c(100): warning: Missing return value.
toolhelp.c(107): warning: Missing prototype for 'TerminateApp'.
toolhelp.c(107): error: Undeclared identifier 'NO_UAE_BOX'.
toolhelp.c(94): error: Undefined size for '_export' with type 'void'.
toolhelp.c(94): warning: Static '_export' is not referenced.

Type: C >>>Couldn't build: toolhelp.obj<<<
Type: N >>> 1322<<<
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Massimo Linossi
Posts: 495
Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:38 am
Location: Italy

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