Assigning object xBrowse

Assigning object xBrowse

Postby horacio » Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:24 am

I have an application that generates a daily report with the ability to view reports from previous dates. For this genre a file, write it to disk and lifted him TTxtFile class. The object generated with class I show that a xBrowse follows:

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@ 0, 0 xBrowse oBrw Of oDlg Columns "cLine" Object oTxt Font oFont // oTxt objeto TTxtFile

So far it works perfectly, but when I change the date of reference, the object oTxt genre again, the xBrowse presents me one line (the 1st) and the document has 134. What I find is how cool the new object xBrowse with oTxt. If anyone knows?. From already thank you very much.

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