C5Ide problem on compilation

C5Ide problem on compilation

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:59 am

Dear Friends,
I have problem to compile C5Ide with the last modifications

First File
http://code.google.com/p/fivewin-contri ... p&can=2&q=

I wrote on forun there was problems because When the form designer created a source of a dialog it not was on right coordinates

and Paco pubblished other files


http://code.google.com/p/fivewin-contri ... p&can=2&q=

At Init I tried to compile with Harbour and xHarbour with no success

With Harbou I found these problems :

Error: Unresolved external '_pcre_config' referenced from C:\WORK\HARBOUR\LIB\HBRTL.LIB|hbregex
Error: Unresolved external '_pcre_stack_malloc' referenced from C:\WORK\HARBOUR\LIB\HBRTL.LIB|hbregex
Error: Unresolved external '_pcre_stack_free' referenced from C:\WORK\HARBOUR\LIB\HBRTL.LIB|hbregex

And I resolve it Link the library hbpcre.lib

With xHarbour after I corrected the function _ISARRAY and _ISCHAR in the app.prg and wndscint.prg changing with HB_ISCHAR and HB_ISARRAY, I have allready problems to compile the application :

I asked on 15.October also to Paco.

This the last make.log (xharbour)

Code: Select all  Expand view

MAKE Version 5.2  Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland
    c:\work\xharbour\bin\harbour.exe -iinclude;c:\work\fwh\include;c:\work\xharbour\include; -n -m -w0 -es2 -gc0 -p source\app.prg -oobj\app.hrb
xHarbour Compiler build 1.2.1 (SimpLex) (Rev. 6717)
Copyright 1999-2010, http://www.xharbour.org http://www.harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'source\app.prg' and generating preprocessed output to 'source\app.ppo'...




































































Lines 3038, Functions/Procedures 53
Generating C source output to 'obj\app.hrb'...
    c:\work\bcc582\bin\bcc32.exe -c -O2 -Ic:\work\xharbour\include;;c:\work\bcc582\include -oobj\app.obj obj\app.hrb
Borland C++ 5.82 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2005 Borland
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1196: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_CREATERECTRGNINDIRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1197: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_CREATERECTRGNINDIRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1198: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_CREATERECTRGNINDIRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1199: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_CREATERECTRGNINDIRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1215: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_CREATEELLIPTICRGNINDIRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1216: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_CREATEELLIPTICRGNINDIRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1217: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_CREATEELLIPTICRGNINDIRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1218: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_CREATEELLIPTICRGNINDIRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1255: Call to function 'HB_ISARRAY' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_CREATEPOLYGONRGN
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1295: Call to function 'HB_ISARRAY' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_CREATEPOLYPOLYGONRGN
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1302: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_CREATEPOLYPOLYGONRGN
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1383: Call to function 'hb_storvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETRGNBOX
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1384: Call to function 'hb_storvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETRGNBOX
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1385: Call to function 'hb_storvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETRGNBOX
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1386: Call to function 'hb_storvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETRGNBOX
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1399: Call to function 'HB_ISARRAY' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_RECTINREGION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1424: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_FILLSOLIDRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1425: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_FILLSOLIDRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1426: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_FILLSOLIDRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1427: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_FILLSOLIDRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1429: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_FILLSOLIDRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1456: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_PTINRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1457: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_PTINRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1458: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_PTINRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1459: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_PTINRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1470: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_INTERSECTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1471: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_INTERSECTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1472: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_INTERSECTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1473: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_INTERSECTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1475: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_INTERSECTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1476: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_INTERSECTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1477: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_INTERSECTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1478: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_INTERSECTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1498: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1499: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1500: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1501: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1503: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1504: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1505: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1506: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1511: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1512: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1513: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1514: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_UNIONRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1523: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_DRAWEDGE
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1524: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_DRAWEDGE
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1525: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_DRAWEDGE
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1526: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_DRAWEDGE
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1575: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_METRICSCAPTION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1576: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_METRICSCAPTION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1577: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_METRICSCAPTION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1578: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_METRICSCAPTION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1579: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_METRICSCAPTION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1580: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_METRICSCAPTION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1581: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_METRICSCAPTION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1587: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_DRAWCAPTION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1588: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_DRAWCAPTION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1589: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_DRAWCAPTION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1590: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_DRAWCAPTION
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1610: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_BOX
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1611: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_BOX
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1612: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_BOX
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1613: Call to function 'hb_parvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_BOX
Warning W8064 source\\app.prg 1729: Call to function with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_ISAPPTHEMED
Warning W8064 source\\app.prg 1747: Call to function with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_ISTHEMEACTIVE
Warning W8075 source\\app.prg 1756: Suspicious pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_C5_OPENTHEMEDATA
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1814: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEBACKGROUND
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1815: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEBACKGROUND
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1816: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEBACKGROUND
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1817: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEBACKGROUND
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1851: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEICON
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1852: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEICON
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1853: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEICON
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1854: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEICON
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1897: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEEDGE
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1898: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEEDGE
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1899: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEEDGE
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1900: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEEDGE
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1902: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEEDGE
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1903: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEEDGE
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1904: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEEDGE
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1905: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMEEDGE
Warning W8075 source\\app.prg 1948: Suspicious pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMETEXT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1953: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMETEXT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1954: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMETEXT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1955: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMETEXT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 1956: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMETEXT
Warning W8075 source\\app.prg 1975: Suspicious pointer conversion in function HB_FUN_C5_DRAWTHEMETEXT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 2192: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 2193: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 2194: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 2195: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 2197: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 2198: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 2199: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 2200: Call to function 'hb_parvnl' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 2220: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 2221: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
Warning W8065 source\\app.prg 2222: Call to function 'hb_storvni' with no prototype in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
Error E2228 source\\app.prg 2222: Too many error or warning messages in function HB_FUN_GETTHEMEBACKGROUNDCONTENTRECT
*** 1 errors in Compile ***

** error 1 ** deleting obj\app.obj
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:17 pm

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