New FWH 15.02

New FWH 15.02

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:24 am

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: New FWH 15.02

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:57 am

Published a new build (2) of FWH 15.02

March 2015 (Included in Revised build FWH 15.02)

* New: New DATA lRight FOR Class TMsgItems objects allow to have MsgBar
items at the left and at the right. Example of use:


oMsgBar:lLeft = .T. // we want items to start from left to right

DEFINE MSGITEM oItem1 OF oMsgBar // it goes to the left


oItem2:lRight = .T. // it goes to the right

* BtnBmp:
- Reported bugs on painting fixed.

- JPG also are read through GDI

- Fix: When mouse hovers the button and oBtn:lBoxSelect is false,
border is painted even when the button is created with NOBORDER.

- Optionally, programmer can control precise placement and size of
bitmaps by assigning a rectangle to oBtn:aBmpRect. If oBar:aBmpRect
is assigned, this array is taken as default for all buttons of the bar.

Structure of the array { [nTop], [nLeft], [nBottom], [nRight], [lnResizeMode] }

If any element is NIL, it defaults to the ClientRect's coordinates.

if a negative value is specified, the coordinate is calculated by
substracting from the client rectangle's edge. Eg: { nil, nil, -10, nil }
is cosidered as client rect with a gap of 10 pixels at the bottom.

If a fractional value ( > 0 and < 1 ) is specified, this is considered
as a fraction of the width/height as the case may be. Eg. { 0, 0, 0.8, 0.9 }
is converted as justified to top left with width of 90% and height of 80%
of the button size.

5th optional element of the array: ulResizeMode.
Default is no resizing if the bitmap's size is less than the rect. If
width or height exceeds the size of the rect, the bitmap is resized to
fit inside the rect without changing the aspect ratios.

Value of 1 or .T. (Stretch): The image is resized to fill the rect. The
original aspect ratio is not maintained.

Value of 3: Image is enlarged or reduced to fit in the rect without
changing the aspect ratio.

* Bar.prg: New data aBmpRect is added as explained above.

* New: TMetroPanel class (metropnl.prg). New data bOnMoveBtn
TMetroBtn class: New Data bOnMove
When a button is dragged and dropped the codeblock
is executed with MetroPanel and Dragged Button as params
* Revised: \samples\metrptst.prg. Included use of bOnMove and
how to return from a Menu Panel to Parent panel

* New: CLASS TMultiGet CLASSDATA lChangeCaret works in the same way
as we recently implemented CLASSDATA lChangeCaret in Class TGet.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: New FWH 15.02

Postby ukoenig » Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:54 am

Dear Antonio,

the working change in BtnBmp METHOD PaintCaption() CLASS TBtnBmp
from Mr. Rao, to change the textcolor on button-focus is still missing and I'm getting errors :

::SayText( ::cCaption, oRect:aRect, cAlign, ::oFont, nClr )

Changes from Rao
::SayText( ::cCaption, oRect:aRect, cAlign, ::oFont, XEval( nClr , ::lMover ) )

As well in the metro-sample, there is no return from the directory-list ( using menu ) back to oMetro.
I'm still testing. :?
After changing some metro-graphics, I'm using Daniel's RELAUNCH -function, that works great.

best regards
Uwe :?:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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Re: New FWH 15.02

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:23 am

he working change in BtnBmp METHOD PaintCaption() CLASS TBtnBmp
from Mr. Rao, to change the textcolor on button-focus is still missing and I'm getting errors :

Change of text color when mouse hovers over the button is working in the revised build. I just checked with this code
Code: Select all  Expand view
function BtnHover()

   local oDlg, oBtn


   @ 10,10 BTNBMP oBtn PROMPT "Prompt" SIZE 30,20 PIXEL OF oDlg
   oBtn:nClrText := { |lHover| If( lHover, CLR_HRED, CLR_BLACK ) }


return nil

As well in the metro-sample, there is no return from the directory-list ( using menu ) back to oMetro.

Please see the revised \fwh\samples\metrptst.prg in the revised build which demonstrates how to return from submenu to main window.

Call oMenu:SwitchTo( oMenu:oParent ) to switch to parent.
method SwitchTo( oAnotherMetro ) is meant for such purposes.

We also added btn:bOnMove and panel:bOnBtnMove because you needed that for your work on hand.
The above sample also demonstrates its use.
Whenever you move the Quit button on the main panel, new coordinates are saved in the metrptst.log

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: New FWH 15.02

Postby ukoenig » Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:30 am

Mr. Rao,

YES my fault, the update was installed inside my original FWH-dir as new Dir.
I just checked. SORRY
I will carry on testing.

best regards
Uwe :oops:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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