Continuing problem creating a Panel = Angry customer

Continuing problem creating a Panel = Angry customer

Postby TimStone » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:51 pm

I have posted this before but have gotten no where in resolving it.

Here is the calling code:
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   ::oPanelCalex    = TPanel():New( 0, 175, ( nHeight ), ::oCwnd:nWidth, ::oCwnd:oWndClient )

And here is the generated error:
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   Error description: Error FiveWin/6  Cannot create window or control:
System Error: Cannot find window class.
Stack Calls
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => WNDCREATEERROR( 766 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\WINDOW.PRG => TPANEL:CREATE( 747 )
   Called from: .\source\classes\TPANEL.PRG => TPANEL:NEW( 49 )
   Called from: D:\Projects\MLS2013\Source\tCodeJock.prg => MPCAL:BUILDPANELS( 552 )

What I have tried:
1) I can't replicate the problem on my computers, nor do other clients report this problem
2) The one business that has the problem has seen it on two ( maybe more ) computers. One uses Windows 7 , the other XP
3) I thought it might be a resources issue so I had them increase RAM from 2GB to 4GB on the Win 7 computer.
4) We thought it might be another program, so I issued a s SysRefresh when it finished processing.
5) The frequency of this occurring is escalating.

What I need to know:
1) What does that error actually mean
2) What paths might I follow to stop it.

Tim Stone
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Re: Continuing problem creating a Panel = Angry customer

Postby lucasdebeltran » Thu Nov 14, 2013 4:59 pm


What antivirus is installed on those PCS?.

What other software?.

Do they run your software with administrative rights?.

I am totally agree with Antonio in the idea of not using 3rd party controls, as when they fail there is a nighmare.

An interesting idea will be to collect some funds so Daniel, Antonio or other member of the FWH team could finish calex class, which could be a perfect replacement for CodeJock.

My two cents.
Muchas gracias. Many thanks.

Un saludo, Best regards,

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Re: Continuing problem creating a Panel = Angry customer

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:12 pm


Please call this line before creating the panels:


just once (though it should not hurt if you call it more times)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Continuing problem creating a Panel = Angry customer

Postby TimStone » Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:30 pm


The PC has Microsoft Security Essentials, and no other programs were running.

Daniel and I communicated a lot about a calendaring solution. Its really a huge project that takes a lot of time. I'd love it to be in FW but that was just not a reasonable request considering all that it needed to accomplish. Lots of people worked on the idea, but it was still very incomplete in even the basic features.

The reality is we cannot eliminate all 3rd party products. I actually need to interact with numerous products to make my clients happy.

In this case, after just talking to my client, it may be that the other program ( the credit card processing described in my previous post ) is still in play here. Do we only have one resource available at a time for using external programs ?


I will do that now

Tim Stone
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