New FTDN January/Enero 2015 (FWH 15.01)

New FTDN January/Enero 2015 (FWH 15.01)

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:04 am

January 2015

* Fix: Class TRbtn methods New() and Redefine() were not using the style
WS_TABSTOP when placed on a dialog. Many thanks to Günther!


* Fix: METHOD Box( nRow, nCol, nHeight, nType ) CLASS TXBrwColumn was not
properly releasing the created hDC using ::oBrw:GetDC() calling
::oBrw:ReleaseDC(). Now it is ok. Many thanks to Günther!


* Enhancement: Class TGraph now shows tooltips on the painted first series
bars. You can specify a codeblock in DATA cToolTip that will receive a
parameter with the bar index where the mouse is over:

oGrap:cToolTip = { | nAt | Str( nAt ) }

If oGraph:cToolTip is not defined, Class TGraph will show the value of
the first serie corresponding to nAt converted with this picture:

Please review the modified FWH\samples\graph.prg example


* Enhancement: Class TReport supports brief excel reports. Many
thanks to Renomas (Renzo Omar) and José Murugosa. This is an
example of use:

#include ""
#include ""


LOCAL aReturn:={}, i:=0, j:=0

// We build the array to use
FOR i=1 TO 25
for j=1 to 5
aadd( aReturn, { Str(i,3), "texto", 25 } )


DATA aReturn[i,1] ;
PICTURE "999" ;

DATA aReturn[i,2] ;
PICTURE "!!!!!" ;

COLUMN TITLE "Amount:" ;
DATA aReturn[i,3] ;
PICTURE "9,999,999" ;
SIZE 10;

GROUP ON aReturn[i,1];
HEADER "Product: " + aReturn[i,1]


oReport:bSkip := { || i++ }
oReport:bInit := {|| i := 1 }

ACTIVATE REPORT oReport WHILE i <= LEN( aReturn )


* Fix: Class TScintilla is properly processing VK_TAB.

* Fix: Printer Preview was not properly hiding the thumbnails listview panel
when two pages are shown and the user double click on a page to zoom it.
Now it is ok:


* New: Class TTreeView method GetItemPos( oItem ) --> nIndex.
Please review samples\fivedit.prg for an example of use.

* New: Class TTVItem metod GetItemPos( oItem ) --> nIndex
Please review samples\fivedit.prg for an example of use.

* Fix: function MsgGet() was not using FWString() for the buttons prompts.
Now it is ok. Thanks to Moises!

* Fix: CLASS TXBrwColumn method EraseData() was missing a call to
::oBrw:ReleaseDC(). Now it is ok. Many thanks to to Günther!


* New: CLASS TTVItem method DelItemPos( nPos ) deletes an item of
its child items given its position in DATA aItems. Please review
samples\fivedit.prg for an example of use.

* New: Class TFolder method DelItemPos( nPos ) deletes a folder page
given its position in DATA aDialogs. Please review samples\fivedit.prg
for an example of use.

* New: CLASS TTreeView METHOD Scan( bAction ) evaluates a codeblock for
each of the TreeView items until the codeblock returns a value different
from zero. Please review samples\fivedit.prg for an example of use:


* Enhancement: Class TScintilla now saves the current selection when the
focus is lost and automatically recovers such selection when it gets the
focus again.

* Fix: TReport():ToExcel() errors out when exporting empty dates when
compiled with Harbour. Fixed.

* Fix: Class TTVItem method End() was not properly removing itself from
its parent oTree DATA aItems. Now it is ok.

* New: function SetCurDir( cDirName ) --> lSuccess, to match GetCurDir()

* Fixes: Method ToExcel() of XBrowse and Report are not working propery
in case of some Excel international installtions. Fixed

* Fix: Class TScintilla method GotoLine() was not properly working. Now
it is ok.

* Fix: Class TMru was not properly inserting a SEPARATOR. Now it is ok.
Please review samples\fivedit.prg example.

* Enhancement: Class TBar #define GROUP_SEP 8 has been converted into a
DATA nGroupSep INIT 8. Thanks to Cristobal!


* New functions:
FW_ADDTIME( dDate/tDate, "[-][nd]hh:mm:ss" )
FW_ADDMONTH( dDate/tDate, +/- nMths )
FW_MTHSLAPSED( dDate1, dDate2 )

* Fix: Printer.prg: PRINT TO <cPrinter> is not working because the printer
is getting reset to default printer by the ReBuild() method. Fixed now.

* Enhancement: Class TScintilla method Save() calls method SetSavePoint()
to set an unmodified state once the text has been saved to a disk file.

* Enhancement: Class TScintilla metho Save() only prompts for a filename
if the DATA cFileName is empty.

* Fixes: TDataRow, TRecSet and TXBrowse classes: Problem with assigning empty dates
with ADO when built with Harbour fixed.

* New: TDataRow METHOD CopyFrom( oOtherDataRowObject )
oRec:CopyFrom( oOther ) copies fields with same name from oOtherRec.
This can be used with DataRow objects created from different databases

* Fix: function DrawGray() is properly working. Thanks to Enrico!

* Fix: rpreview.prg: When TPreview():lListViewHide := .T., runtime
errors occur during toggling Zoom/Unzoom and SinglePage/TwoPages. Fixed.

* Enhancement: Class TScintilla method DlgFindText() has been entirely
redesigned. Please review samples\fivedit.prg for an example of use.

* New: Method ReadPalBmpEx( uSource, [aResize] ) class TWindow
--> { hBitmap, hPalette, nBmpWidth, nBmpHeight, lAlpha, cName, lResource }
uSource can be bmpfile, resource, any imagefile, image buffer from memory
or handle of a bitmap. Optional aResize is { nWidth, nHeight, nReizeMode }
will resize the image to the new dimensions.
This method is intended to be used by different controls. As of now
TBtnBmp uses this method.

* Enhancements to TBtnBmp class:
(a) FILE or RESOURCE clauses can be used to load bmpfiles or resources.
(b) Uses ReadPalBmpEx() to read/load image files/resources, so any bitmap
source can be used.
(c) Where the image is too large, it is resized to fit the size of the button
(d) When ButtonBar is created with 2013 style, BtnBmp class is recoginzing it as
pre-2007 style. Now fixed.
(e) Improved painting of Grayed bitmaps
(f) Improved quality of painting non-transparent images where lBmpTransparent is .f.
(g) There was some deteoration ofquality of painting of bitmaps on pre-2007 style
buttons. Now fixed
(h) BtnBmp now supports :bPainted.

* Fix: xbrowse.prg: DATA bPained is not evaluated when the browse data is empty. Fixed.

* New: TRecSet class new DATA oOpenError. In case of open failure this data
contains Adoerror object.
New function: AdoErrorAsText( oAdoErr ) --> cErrorInfo
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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Posts: 41408
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